It's almost time to start a new year, and I know what you're thinking. How can I be more productive next year? How can I get more done? What tools, tricks, apps, or processes will help me dig out of my never-ending to-do list.

Sounds like you need a "Productivity Hack." But do you?? A productivity hack might help you get more done in less time. But what if not everything on your list is actually worth doing?

What you really need is a "Prioritization Hack.  A method to help you take time wastes OFF your to-do list and not do them at all. I KNOW! It's a mind-blowing concept. Don't do more--do less and only what's important.

I can hear you laughing, but stick with me, embracing this concept will change your life.


So, where should you start? First, you start with understanding the difference between urgent, important, not urgent, not important, Habit 3, First Things First, from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Use the quadrant to document your many to-do items.

Then I encourage you to go one step beyond. For every task you deem necessary, ask yourself, "WHY."

"Why do I need to stay up until midnight baking cookies from scratch. Is it to keep up with the other moms who stay home? Is it to impress them? Why aren't bakery cookies good enough?"

"Why do I need to attend every function I'm invited to? Will people think I'm anti-social? Will I miss out on something? Will my life be better or worse tomorrow if I skip the event and take some time for self-care, family movie night, or exercise?"

"Why do I take on more work than I can do in a reasonable number of hours. Is it so I can get a promotion? Is it so my boss will see me as valuable and important? If working an excessive number of hours a week in and week out is what I need to do to impress my boss and get promoted, will the personal sacrifice be worth it?

The only question you should be asking yourself when making your to-do list is, "will what I'm doing get me closer to or farther away from the life I want?" People are checking off too many things that do nothing but help them tread water.


Do these two exercises and answer this question, "what will you remove from your to-do list, so you have more time for what's meaningful and fulfilling?"

I can't wait to hear your comments.


Job Search Killers!

I often get requests for a resume that “shows my diverse skills”, “broad background”, “accomplishments throughout my career”.


Companies don't want to know about everything you can do. They want to know what, SPECIFICALLY you can do for them. What skills and experience do you have that will help their organization in the role they’re hiring for. It’s important to “show and tell” recruiters and hiring managers exactly where you fit within their organization.

A “jack of all trades” resume or LI profile will NOT entice recruiters to call you if they have to first dig for relevant information.

Your career target has to be front and center. And, if you have two different targets, you need TWO different resumes.


As a Career Coach, I ask my clients what they’re looking for in their next job. They provide multiple reasons but one that comes up frequently is that they want job security in a recession proof industry.

While that’s a nice idea, it’s not realistic. If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we all need to be able to pivot. Something we should have already been aware of in today’s fast-paced technology driven world. Staying the same is just not an option—not for people and not for companies.

Red Flags!

Ø  Your role becoming is more automated making your skillset obsolete?

Ø  Your work is starting to be outsourced?

Ø  You’ve been in your current role for a length of time and/or you at the top of the pay scale for your position?

Ø  Your company is being acquired or restructured?

Acknowledging and embracing the fact that you might need to change jobs, sometimes unexpectedly, is the first step in making YOU recession-proof. My experience with clients in a wide variety of industries, from mid-level to executive, has given me keen insight on what it takes to be marketable, employable, and sought after in the job market.

And here’s a little secret. Yes, soft skills are important and transferrable but it’s the hard skills that will get you in the door for an interview. You might actually be a passionate, hard working, motivated, result’s oriented, career-minded, team player—so is everyone you’re up against. What you really need to stand out is hard skills backed up by achievements.

Now is the time to think ahead and ask yourself this question: If your current job was no longer available, what would you want to do next and where would you acquire the skills to be a viable candidate?

Questions to ask yourself as you map out long-term career plan?

·         Are certifications among my peers and leaders becoming more common?

·         Do more people in my field have advanced degrees?

·         What is the cutting edge technology (software and apps) in my industry?

·         What new industry standard programs and tools are being used in my specific discipline and are you highly proficient in them?

Don’t think that yesterday’s skills will take you into tomorrow’s workplace. Business and technology are changing at unprecedented speeds. Powering up your hard skills will help set you apart. Unlike years past, when you apply for a job today, you’re up against dozens if not hundreds of highly qualified applicants. Don’t get left behind.

 Many certifications and classes are being offered right now, at discounted prices (and some are free).

If you need help with your career or job search plan, please contact me at



Thrive Consulting

“Your shower shoes have fungus on 'em. You'll never get to the Bigs with fungus on your shower shoes.  Think classy and you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the Show you can let the fungus grow back on your shower shoes and the press'll think you're colorful.  Until you win twenty in the Show, however, it means you're a slob.”

This is one of my favorite quotes from the movie Bull Durham.  When I was a leader, I used this quote when I had to give the “summer dress code” reminder speech, year after year.  In this situation the quote really hit home.  I find that when you need to clearly get a point across, refer to pop-culture—and make it funny.

This quote worked because it painted a picture for a team trying to understand why their funky, unusual, too casual, or skin bearing outfits (including flip-flops) were not right for the workplace.  It helped them see that their clothes were working against them and would ultimately hold them back in their career because of how they were perceived.  And how people perceive you has a definite impact on success, not just professionally but personally.

So, unless you’re the Steve Jobs or Sheryl Sandburg of your workplace and you’ve already made your mark, stick to looking polished and appropriate.  

The following guidelines don’t apply to everyone of course, but the vast majority will benefit from taking note.  If you work outside, build things, or get dirty, you have your own dress code and these aren’t meant for you.

What you wear and how you groom yourself sends a silent, yet loud and very clear message.  So, go ahead and look at yourself—take a good look.  What message are you sending? What message do you want to be sending?  If you aren’t getting the respect, recognition, promotion, raise, job, or relationship you know you deserve, it might be time for an image overhaul.  

If, one day in the future you’ve anchored yourself at the top of the ladder in life and work, then and only then, are you allowed to let “fungus grow on your shower shoes”.

Need help on your journey to success? Get me started!


Thrive Consulting

The importance of the right job cannot be underestimated.  Most people spend 8 to 10 hours a day at work.  Co-workers become like family.  In the best-case scenario, your job is motivating and provides a sense of accomplishment.  Development and growth opportunities are abundant.  Salary is in line with work performed.  You have a boss who not only respects you but likes you. 


Unfortunately, many jobs don’t quite measure up, and some jobs are real nightmares.  So why are you willing to settle for less than you deserve?  Why do you stay in a position that makes you unhappy?  And, if you decide to make a move, why aren’t you willing to invest the time, effort, and money required to help you successfully reach your career destination?  What makes you choose the easiest and cheapest methods instead of investing in yourself and your future? 


Maybe you don’t realize that there is NO EASY WAY to navigate the job market alone.


I very often hear:

“I’m having a friend take a look at my resume for me.”

“I’ll just get my info off the internet.”

“I downloaded a resume and cover letter template, and I can just fill them in.”

“My sister did a practice interview with me.”


REALLY?  Are these “free” resources worthy of you and your future?


Complex and unknown obstacles are faced by job seekers today.  Unless you’re a recruiter or experienced career consultant, it would be nearly impossible to have a thorough understanding of how to navigate the process successfully. 


·         Can you really develop a compelling resume and cover letter that differentiates you from the rest of the applicants? 

·         Are you aware of how to get past the Application Tracking Software that has created a big black hole in the application process? 

·         Did you know that a complete LinkedIn profile is critical to job search success and that once it’s done, you need to be active? 

·         Do you know that the interview is not about you?

·         And, did you know that no more than half your time should be spent applying online?


So many obstacles to overcome yet job seekers look for free, cheap, and seemingly easy options.  From my experience, in most cases, these options do not work well, and they prolong the job search.  By the time a job seeker comes to me for help, they are highly frustrated and have spent months of their time going nowhere.  And they can’t figure out why!


Friends and relatives might have good intentions and want to help, but they don’t know any more than you do about how to land a great job.  The close relationship prevents them from providing an unbiased opinion.  Your mother, best friend, or co-worker will never tell you that your resume needs help, and you should get it done by a professional.   They won’t tell you that your interview skills need to be more polished and professional.  Those things are just too hard to say to someone you love, like, or work with.  It’s a no-win situation for both of you. 


“Do it yourself” might be faster and easier, but it’s not effective. Free resources aren’t really free when it takes months or years longer to find the right job. In the end, you get what you pay for. 


You will get the highest and fastest return on investment by investing in yourself and using a professional who will position you in the best light and set you up for success!

Need help on your journey to success? Get me started!


Thrive Consulting

You’re out there applying for jobs.  You’ve done your homework so you know you’re resume is in good shape.  It highlights your achievements, it’s concise, key-word rich, and follows the correct formatting to make it past Application Tracking Software.  It’s just a matter of time before you get called for an interview.

Then suddenly the phone rings.  You got the interview!  You’ve overcome a big hurdle in the job search process.  Out of the hundreds of resumes submitted for each job, YOU were selected to move forward in the process.  You pat yourself on the back and let out a sigh of relief…for a brief second.  Then you go into panic mode--because now you’re actually thinking about how to have a successful interview.

You’re head starts spinning.  How should I prepare?  How do I know what they’ll ask me?   How should I answer?

The answer is--there is not one right answer.  There are plenty of wrong answers to be sure, but there are a variety of right answers as well.  The question you should be asking yourself as you prepare is “why”.  Why are they asking me this question?  If you can figure that out, you’ll be way ahead of the pack.

When recruiters and hiring managers ask questions, here is what they are looking for:
They want to know if you’re a good fit for the company culture and team.
They want to know that you are knowledgeable about the company and how you can help them.
They want to know that you’re self-aware and able to compensate for your weaknesses.
They want to know how you solve problems, prioritize and manage time.
They want to know how you collaborate and get along with others.
They want to know that you’re open to different ideas.
They want to know what makes you different than the other applicants.
They want to know how effectively you communicate.
They want to know how you handle adversity and difficulties.
They want to know why you want to work for them—that they have what you’re looking for in a job.

For Example
Q: “What was the best thing about your last job?”
A: “You had a 37 hour workweek in the summer and loved being able to get off early on Fridays.”
Problem:  What if the company you’re interviewing with doesn’t offer a 37 hour workweek?  You’ve just told them you’re not a good fit.  Be sure to answer the question by stating something you liked about your last job that you KNOW they offer.

Q: “Tell me about a time when someone on your team didn’t want to follow the established process.”
A:  “I explained to them that it was important to follow the process that had been established as to not create issues.”
Problem:  What if the person that didn’t want to follow the process had a really good idea?  It’s best to find a situation where you were open to different ideas that had potential.  Whether the new idea was adapted or not doesn’t really matter.  What matters is that you’re receptive and understand that the world is constantly changing and business must change along with it.

Q: “Tell me about a time when something you were working on didn’t succeed.”
A: “I tried to launch a new process but it didn’t work because the software we had would not support it.”
Problem: No one cares exactly what the project was and you’re not being judged on the fact that it didn’t succeed.  What they’re looking for is did you research what you were doing and make smart decisions up front—not just jump into something without thinking.  And more importantly, how did you handle the failure—did you own it or blame someone else--and what did you learn so that the same mistake won’t be repeated.

When you’re practicing interview questions (and you should practice!), be sure that your answers address one or more of the points above.  Focus not so much on which answer comes to mind most easily or which one you think makes you look like a rock-star. Your goal is to clearly communicate that you think, collaborate, remain open to others, and learn along the way. 

Remember that the interview is really not about you.  That’s right, it’s not about you.  It’s about them—their company, their team, their NEEDS.  Be sure your answers reflect that.

Need help on your journey to success? Get me started!